Definition of Fast lane

1. Noun. A hectic and pressured lifestyle often characterized by recklessness or dissipation. "Life in fashion's fast lane has taught her a lot"

2. Noun. The traffic lane for vehicles that are moving rapidly.
Generic synonyms: Traffic Lane
Antonyms: Slow Lane

Definition of Fast lane

1. Noun. On a multilane road, the lane intended or reserved for vehicles moving at faster speeds. ¹

2. Noun. (figuratively by extension) Any situation or activity where the pace is very rapid. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Fast Lane

fast busy signals
fast clear down
fast company
fast component
fast day
fast dye
fast food
fast food restaurant
fast food restaurants
fast forward
fast forwarded
fast forwarding
fast forwards
fast friend
fast green FCF
fast lane
fast lanes
fast neutron
fast neutrons
fast one
fast pyrolysis
fast ray
fast reactor
fast rope
fast time scale
fast track
fast tracked
fast tracking
fast tracks

Literary usage of Fast lane

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Island Song Lyrics Volume 2 by Larry W. Jones (2004)
"... you strike up the band You look like you just arrived from paradise Are those tropic stars there in your eyes My dreams get switched to the fast lane of ..."

2. Daytrips London by Earl Steinbicker (2003)
"... next to curb Number Plate license plate Offside/Outside Lane inside (fast) lane On Tow in tow Overtake pass Panda Car police car Pantechnicon moving van ..."

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